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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  February 18, 2018 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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hit or miss tweet it to us. thank you to my panel and to all of you thfor working. we hope to see right here next week. >> and a fox news alert.the president going on a twitter tirade today. he is taking that his predecessor in the oval office, president barack obama after the indictment rebuilding russia's election infiltration began during his second term. but the president was wide ranging sparing few targets? welcome to a brand-new hour of "americas news headquarters". >> the president also using some salty language tweeting quote - if it was the goal of russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the us, then with all of the committee hearings and investigations and party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. they are laughing their ãoften
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moscow. get smart america! the present essay claimed vindication over the 30 page trend by saying this began before he declared his candidacy for about rush limbaugh getting on saying not to get ahead of himself. >> the data for the president is it would be very i think, seductive for him to embrace the spirit totally embrace this and say see? i have been vindicated. the worst thing you can do is validate the investigation by claiming victory because what if down the road, there is another indictment or series of indictments that do name donald trump or your name the russians and the trump campaign colluding. because that's what this is about is about getting donald trump. >> andrea team coverage this afternoon. ellison barber is live in
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washington. the first would begin with our white house correspondent in west palm beach florida. the presidents estate at mar-a-lago. >> good afternoon. very interesting. imagine the presidents twitter mac storm today. he mentioned a bunch of people. john mcmaster, national security advisor, the mueller team. he talked about resident obama and as you can imagine, he also talked about adam schiff. the california congressman. the letter from the president gave a fit of a lack of a better description, a golf clap. for agreeing with him that the obama administration simply did not do nearly enough to combat the russia targeting of america's democracy. and i want to share with you a bit of what they said today on national television. >> i have said all along that i think the obama administration should have dunmore. and senator feinstein and i took the first steps to make public attribution because at
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that time he could not get the obama administration to acknowledge the russian interference. they were very weary of appearing to be putting your hand on the scale. >> i mentioned a bit of a golf clap. as they tweet that does that. finally, little adam schiff, the leaking must've no control is now blaming the obama administration for regimen within the 2016 election. he's finally right about something. obama was president, knew of the threat and did nothing. thank you adam! the president also added this tweet. one of several before 10 am this morning. i never said russia did not meddle in the election. i said it may be russia or china or another country or group or it may be a 400 pound genius sitting on a bed playing with his computer. the russian hoax he says was the trump campaign colluding with russia, it never did. meanwhile the president is here in the state of florida is imagine, not far from here, not
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far from where we are. he is over at his estate in mar-a-lago. this of the state of the troubleshooting last week. we are about 40 miles away from parkland where the devastating massacre happened. 17 high school students killed by a former student. there has been strong reaction i should also tell you that the fbi, news of the fbi was apparently warned of the gunman before he killed those students. the fbi is naturally looking for answers to the question of, why or how did the old adage if you see something, say something, failed to stop the killer before he acted? the presidents and on twitter, there he said the fbi missed all of the many signals sent out by the florida shooter. this is not acceptable. they are spending too much time trying to prove russia collision with the trump campaign. there is no collision. get back to the basics and make us all proud. i mentioned earlier that the president called on intra-mcmaster. you may recall on saturday said there was incontrovertible evidence the russians did metal in the 2016 election.
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i may take you back to twitter. not really scolding a draw mcmaster but he certainly did mention him in a bit of a strong way. the president said gentlemen master forgot to say -- in general mcmaster forgot to say the only collision was between russia, hillary clinton and the dnc. remember dirty dossiers, uranium, speeches, emails and a very active president on twitter today. by the way we are also told that at some point he will meet with paul ryan today to discuss the ongoing gop objective for 2018. when we get a read out of that i promised to pass it along. back to you. >> thank you we are looking forward to that legislative meeting. and we have more throughout the hour. >> and the latest flashpoint. both sides turning of rhetoric after the justice department charged 13 russian nationals and three russian firms with a
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wide-ranging conspiracy to metal in the 2016 election. ellison barber has more. >> the president and some members of his team are arguing that the indictment exonerates the trump campaign and trump. democrats and some republicans say, not so fast. this is not over yet. >> it does not contain any allegations that are most known to the public. that is the russian hacking into democratic institutions, russian publishing of stolen information. >> it is still an open question of whether more americans helped or not? >> it is an open question. it is something we worked on in a bipartisan way. we are working on a bipartisan report to come out on that. >> actions alleged in his indictment began in 2014. the president says this date proves that the trump campaign did not collude with russia and that the obama administration deserves most of the blame. the top democrats say the obama
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administration should have done more with the fact that they did not does not vindicate the trump team. >> very weary of appearing to be putting their hand on the scale in the election. but none of that is an excuse for this president to sit on his hands. it is inexplicable that the president of the united states continues to sit on sanctions that congress passed, congress was enforced against russia over this interference. >> republican senator john langford said today that he expects special counsel robert mueller to come out his final report in the coming days. >> ellison barber, thank you. >> for more the indictment in the presidents reaction let's bring in alan smith for senior politics reporter for the business insider. so far we have 13 tweets as of now. what is your analysis and what is most important? >> i think most important to the president here is clearly with the indictments coming out, he wanted to respond to them in relative and real-time.
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i think what is bothering him most is that this is continuing to look at this, it is delegitimizing his electoral win. in one of his tweets his initiative more credit for being a great candidate and that is why he won. i think it has a lot to do with what he tweets not so much on this because because there is continuing investigation is taking something whether he believes is rightly has after winning the presidential election. >> and in another tweet he said he never said that russia did not meddle in the election. but he said that he has been claiming it is all a hoax that the trump campaign supposedly saluted with them. >> yes but it would go a long way in clearing up some of these questions if you did impose sanctions adam schiff was talking about this morning. these were bipartisan stations approved by the house and senate overwhelmingly. and the administration has opted against implementing them. they did release that list in late january. officials that russia was not pleased about. they have not gone as far as to
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impose sanctions. i think it is a lingering question why the administration is opting against doing so. >> why do you think they're not doing it? they are on the oval office desk. congress has captivated us waiting for it to kick in. but the administration as you say has refused to request the city will be back for russia and us relations. as are they been saying ever since this was a debate in congress initially. they say it is something that all trump campaign done extensively but it really remains unclear with how they pretty clearly meddled in the election. regardless of whether there was collision with the trump campaign while the administration, why they would want to hold back on this and still insist that we are much better relations with russia when this is going unchecked. >> that is what they have been sent here may be the lead for the geopolitical purposes it is the appropriate action to take. and not impose sessions now. >> they are pretty alone on that island then. if continue to claim that but you rarely see stuff pass through congress with such overwhelming support. if these sanctions did.
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they are really in a very minority with people that do not want these imposed right now. >> to think of sanctions were imposed that would be an action and reaction to the russian interference? >> absolutely will be the strongest movie administration has taken yet. i think the presidents opponents have certainly gone on this entire attempts and left, he has been dealing with russia with such a soft hand. certainly if he was saved and poses actions it would take ammunition away from his opponents. >> and adam schiff acknowledge the obama administration did not do enough. here is what he said. >> of course not but this is a president who claims vindication any time anyone sneezes. the trump campaign and the candidate donald trump, was very witting of what was going on. indeed the whole country was when on october 7 the intelligence community told the country that the russians are behind this. there behind the hacking. but nonetheless, the campaign continued to use those products of that element of the russian
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campaign. >> noticed that was october. and this began back in, incorporated in 2013, started in 2014. why wasn't this caused by our intelligence agency sooner and why were the americans told? >> it is a very legitimate critique of the obama administration would action was not taken when this was all coming out around october. clearly, they came to the consensus it will be horrible to go after rush and his wife one month before the campaign. it would give off the impression they were trying to undermine one side over the other because the information that russia was trying to prop up one campaign while delegitimizing other. and that is regardless of anyone in america was associated with it. but it would have been a pretty bad look. looking back on it is a very easy critique to say the obama ministration should have done more. clear they did not. the obama administration and democrats have conceded at this point. thanks and somewhat admitted that they dropped the ball. thank you so much allan smith.
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>> thank you. >> a fox news alert for the president is that the whole gatherings this week in the wake of wednesday's massacre at stoneman douglas high school. the shootings left 17 people dead. on thursday, the president will meet with state and local officials on school safety. before that on wednesday, he will host a listening session with high school students as well as teachers. this as students who survived the deadly attack announcing a national march in washington next month to pressure politicians to take action on gun violence. next our elected officials need to get together, overcome political differences and get things done. an agency of the future of our country. and it is those children that are currently dying. because politicians refuse to take action. >> please stop allowing us to be gunned down in our hallways. people are telling us we should run for president. we want an education.
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>> we are joined now live from parkland, florida with more. >> more funerals were mostly teenage victims. what happened here i was at this highschooler police chase a plumber student expelled last year 19-year-old, nikolaus cruz chicken uber with an assault rifle and numerous magazines in a duffel bag. that out, pulled a fire alarm and unleashed hundred 50 bullets in three-minute rampage. people are coming back is the school for themselves. in the last hour a group arrived here calling themselves crosses for losses putting 17 crosses in the grasp for those killed. flowers and candles and 17 angels representing the kids and adults shot and killed on
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valentine's day. for the first time, the schools high school principal posted a message on the internet. take a listen. >> i promise you, i will hug each and every one of you as many times as you need. and i will hold you as long as you need me to for all 3300 of you and your families. and we will get through this together. >> aside from the third day funerals there was also a memorial service nearby this morning. attended in person by republican governor of varna, rick scott. as we have reported, the suspect, cruz was adopted. he was a foster child and he had a father that died years ago and his mother died in november. he was depressed by that and the parents of one of his friends allowed him to move in with them right around thanksgiving. the first time billy and james gave an interview.
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saying they're just as shocked and stunned as well. here's what some of they said. quote we have this monster living under our roof and we did not know. we did not see this side of him. everything, everybody seemed to know, we did not know. it is as simple as that. and the students here say they really been called to act. to change legislation, get gun control, new laws in place and really tractor there will be a national march on march 24. >> the students are so strong. phil keating, thank you. this is reignited the national debate over mental health, gun control and how best to protect students and really people and communities everywhere. what are some possible solutions the president gets ready to meet with local and state officials on this very issue this coming week? we'll talk to the texas state attorney general coming up.
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>> we will be looking forward to that. meanwhile four israeli soldiers have been wounded. and israel is wasting no time retaliating against hamas. this just days after the jewish state attacked some in syria. we will have more on threats and our key ally is facing. plus, can they really find a solution on immigration with a march deadline on daca looming? more plans in the senate failed to now the trump administration looking for an answer. can they deliver? we will talk to one of the lawmakers, straightahead. >> this is an opportunity for the american people. maybe our last real opportunity to create an immigration system that is lawful, that ends lawlessness, illegality and serves the national interest.
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backed by president trump. in a bipartisan plan the white house threatened to veto. we have more on all of this from washington. >> many congressional observers are doubtful that any daca deal will be reached before the midterm elections. certainly none will be released next because congress will not be in session. in addition the presence deadline of march 5 to reach a deal, is increasingly irrelevant.made mood by two recent court decisions that block the present executive order ending document. the administration came under heavy attack after thursday's failure by the senate to pass any of the four daca bills. the white house opposed the one bill that got the most votes. the grassley bill. the opposition based on the bills failure to limit chain migration and the diversity lottery. in addition to that, he said it dated june 30th where before i missed anything. hardliners say would mean a surge of new illegal immigration before the deadline. hardliners saw this as a poison pill. >> is a political issue the
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democrats do not want solved. all of this is an effort by the democratic party to provide themselves a current underclass. they need a permanent underclass that is dependent on the government for their survival. >> the president also blamed failure on democrats but they push back. >> for the speaker to say this to be march 5, he does not know the fear that they have instilled into the families into the hearts of these children. >> as we know, republicans have their own fractions. moderates are willing to compromise and conservatives concession to the dreamers to be reneging of the presidents campaign promises which could potentially threaten gop seats in the midterm. >> thank you so much! >> as the pressure immigration reform stalls in the senate, the president facing the blame squarely on the democrats. tweeting cannot believe how bad these daca recipients have been treated by the democrats.
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totally abandoned. the republicans are still working hard. on-screen caucus member, of alabama member of the budget and oversight committee. welcome congressman. >> good to be here. >> the president imposed the deadline to expire march 5 and daca recipients based deportation. as is delaying squarely on the democrats. they want a pathway to citizenship in the present must wipe the blame for border security. congressman, what is the republicans approach is because stand on the march deadline may be placed back in june because of court decisions. >> i think why most of my colleagues and i in the house want to do what is right for these folks who are in this situation. we have got a good platform and i think it is a bill that ought to be moving through the house and to the senate.>> if i may, we disperse a report if you could tell us and it's
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pointless what you personally think the best way forward on immigration and will the house send back a bipartisan bill? not referred if you would not mind is the bills and reviewers will know what their tri-met they do not know the names of the bills. yet. >> okay. >> thank you. >> what we want to do is create a pathway for them to stay here? not necessarily a pathway for citizenship. i think you have to earn that. i think you also have to have a remedy in the law. and that is extremely important because i think if we go the route that democrats want to go in give them full amnesty, you have a substantial portion of the country that will resent these people. i think we need to have a compromise in legislation that allows them to stay but also that we have for security that we end chain migration and the visa lottery. if we do that i think we can work it out so the people who are brought here as children will be able to stay. they could eventually earn a
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pathway to citizenship. i think they will be able to live out in public out of the shadows, and assimilate into our country. i think that is what all of us hope. >> i think i just heard you say we will give a pathway to citizenship to the current dreamers. >> i did not say give, i said earn. eventually earn a pathway to citizenship. i don't think anyone should be given amnesty. i do not think they should move to the head of the line above anybody else. >> so you're saying and i understand what you're saying. i think you are also saying, we need to not have the family so-called chain migration. family immigration and you think that the visa lottery program should be done away with. >> absolutely. we do not know who is coming in and the programs are being abused. i think we need to look at legislation for merit-based.
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i think we need to completely reevaluate how we are allowing people to come in. we been the most generous country in the history of the world in terms of supporting people and their efforts to come here. but i think it needs to be legal and think it needs to be merit-based. >> want to place a sound from attorney general jeff sessions. he was on sunday morning just to request the presidents fundamentals are good. who can oppose and in the visa lottery? was to continue for lawlessness? who wants to allow or create a situation in which you get amnesty a legality for the young people that are here and not end up with a legal system that will be enforceable in the future? there is nothing mean-spirited about it. we admit a million people a year lawfully for america. hundreds of thousands of workers are here. >> do you agree with the attorney general and will there
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be immigration reform this year? >> we will take it up in the house. i do agree with the attorney general. i would like to point out in the visa lottery, that has nothing to do with merit or anything that people bring to the country when they come. there were two attacks last year in new york. and both arbitrators came into the visa lottery. we need to have a merit-based immigration system. and we also need to take and figure out a way to allow the people who are here, to stay here and have a remedy in the law so that when they decide to state whether they want to stay or go back to the country of origin, it will be up to them. if they do stay, they need to be able to stay and not be resented. >> i have to go, will there be immigration reform this year? >> it is up to us in the house. i think you will be.
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as i said we have a bill we are working on that i think is an excellent platform for moving forward on the issue. >> congressman, gary palmer, thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> the fbi facing a lot of scrutiny for failing to respond to the tips that they received for confessed gunman, nikolaus cruz. coming out, will have a live report and what measures can be taken to make sure that oversight is not repeated. plus the deadly shooting has reignited duncanville. the president is going to make school safer. coming up, the texas attorney general, ken paxton, and his ideas. that is straight ahead. >> later this month i will be donating with the nations governors and attorney general screen we are making our schools and children safer, that will be top priority. it is not enough to simply take actions that make us feel like we are making a difference. we must actually make that
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difference. e. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. and i don't share it with mom! right, mom? righttt. safe driving bonus checks. only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. >> questions surround the fbi'
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mishandling of tips received about the confessed killer in the stoneman douglas high school massacre. the bureau now under scrutiny after admitting it failed to investigate warnings about him. before the horrific school shooting that left 17 people dead. adam housley joins us now live from los angeles with the latest. >> the beer is getting criticism of the president and others that they may have missed some signs. they were on the a lot of other signs also not only federal level but state and local levels as well. faculty do know is that they were in number including the possibility that this could eventually have tougher gun laws but i will keep cycling the actual missed messages. for example a lot of public records now, interviews with friends, acquaintances, the
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killer had obvious mental health issues. law enforcement was notified about violent behavior. yet nothing was done there. department of children and family investigator for cutting himself, posting a video on stepdad and nothing was done at that there are significant school records on him with nothing done there. he had been diagnosed with autism and adhd. nothing done there. all of this plus the fbi question has the attorney general, jeff sessions, really looking for ways to improve the whole system. take a listen. >> if a person is hearing voices and he is making threats to shoot and kill innocent people, that person is subject to being taken to a legal official and being declared subject of having mental health treatment. i think that probably existed in this case. i cannot say for certain. but we we will see. >> he purchased the rifle to
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hand the killing 17 people with. and they say maybe mistakes were made prior to the current gun laws. and that is to be debated. the question once again remains, how does this all happen? he was expelled from school, he was reported to law enforcement numerous times federal and local levels. and he had very clear mental health issues yet he was on notice about the gun.although this will be debated and they bring politics in this as well. as we move forward, and the funerals continue florida comedies are questions being brought up not only by those affected by this but many others around the country. >> so many missed one is. adam housley, thank you. >> the president has been talking about school safety following the deadly matching pair this with the president will hold a listening session. and then on thursday he placed me in a state and local officials on the issue. meanwhile the horrendous massacre ignited a debate on gun control kid that dominated the conversation on "fox news
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sunday" this morning for one guest, rush limbaugh, >> weenie concealed carry any schools. if we are really serious about protecting the kids, we need a mechanism to be defensive when this kind of thing, if we're not going to take action to stop it, we better have mechanisms in these schools to stop it when it breaks out. if we cannot do that, and the rest of this is nothing more than political posturing for the 2018 midterms and the 2020 lesson. >> on the other side, gabrielle giffords in support of the second amendment. also supported gun restrictions. >> these reforms are supported typically by 70 to 90 percent of americans and to have high school kids who went through this horrific shooting calling for change, should matter. i will help in our society, that would make a difference. this is a very political issue though. we have got to get people to
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vote on the issue. i can guarantee you the kids you had on today, will vote on this issue probably for the rest of their lives. they will encourage others to do that as well. >> and for more on this we have ken paxton, attorney general of the state of texas. welcome. >> thank you. >> we just heard a whole litany of things that were wrong with the fbi, the state, everything fell through the cracks. and as you state law enforcement official what is the most important priority to transact these heartbreaking school shootings? >> we decided shooting in texas at a church, several in sprints. after that i said, unless we start arming people at churches, start arming them at school, basically we start training people to be ready so they can be on site when these things happen. we will see more and more of it.having more gun laws that will not stop somebody that is going to break a law, they will not follow in gun law. you want to do something about this. we need to train people to be
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ready to respond and will act as a deterrent. you'll be for some it is a deterrent though. >> hello schools are gun free zones. you bring up a point. give the dune israel? if guards at the front door. when the kids on a field trip to have an armed guard with them. they do not harm the teachers. it has been contentious for the teachers. do you think that the teachers should be armed will have professional armed guards at the doors so potential gunmen will know that he or she would face them? >> the easiest target right now at the school and churches, places where we do not with guns. those are the places that are often gun free zones. it is certainly easier for someone to come in and shoot someone there. but whether there are armed security professionals it would be ideal but i do not expect that every school in america can afford that. but i do think you can at least
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take the time to train some of the teachers and maybe some rural districts that don't have the funding to support law enforcement. that will be another solution. i know texas it is being done. in some places i think is the next best solution if you cannot afford trained professionals. >> after meeting with the president, do you think that you all that are there can bring up a federally financed program that would put on professionals in the schools? sadly, this school did have someone arms but he was not able to get to cruz in time. >> absolutely the most precious asset there were children. who we are letting them be exposed by creating better results someone can walk in and know that they have a free shot in that i will have a fair bit of time to act. this is not, it does not make sense. if we do not act, will continue to see more and more of this. none of us want to see that. >> meanwhile this morning on "fox news sunday", some students at the school announced that their calling rallies across the country on
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march 24. in march for our lives. it is about gun violence. i wanted to listen to a junior at the school. this is what he said. >> the march for our lives will be in every major city and we are organizing this so students everywhere and beg for our lives. because at the end of the day, it is not about red and blue, gop and democrats. it is about the kids and adults. at this point you're either with us or against us. we are giving our politicians a clean slate and in the next election we are saying if you are accepting money from the nra, you are enabling things. >> what would you say to karen about students are angry and hurt? >> i think you have every right to be angry and hurt because we not just this issue. and we are exposing them to
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think they don't need to be exposed to. do not agree with the solution. i think more gun control. someone like this kid came in and shot the students. he is not going to stop them. we need somebody on site as i said that can protect students immediately. i think they have the wrong solution. what will happen is we will waste time and will have more shootings and more people will die. let's do something that works. let's do it now. >> perhaps a federally financed program as mentioned across the country to strengthen the security at schools. ken paxton, will get back to after meeting with the president. take you for joining us this afternoon. >> thank you. >> after friday's indictment of 13 russian nationals, the kremlin has launched an information more against american democracy. plus we've also seen russia's global meddling on full display in other parts of the world. what might moscow have beyond crimea and eastern ukraine? we speak with a former us
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deputy assistant secretary for the army, next. >> tech: at safelite autoglass we know that when you're spending time with the grandkids... ♪ music >> tech: ...every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why at safelite, we'll show you exactly when we'll be there. with a replacement you can trust. all done sir. >> grandpa: looks great! >> tech: thanks for choosing safelite. >> grandpa: thank you! >> child: bye! >> tech: bye! saving you time... so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪
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informational with democracy and election process but what about moscow's political ambitions complement efforts to install united nations peacekeeping mission in eastern ukraine has hit a snag during a high-profile security conference in germany. the foreign ministers or both sides unable to reach an agreement to end the daily deadly violence gripping that area since 2014 annexation of crimea. nato is keeping a watchful eye on the situation. >> what we have seen especially since 2014, is more assertive russia. willing to use military force against their neighbors. and illegally annexing crimea and continuing to destabilize eastern ukraine. that is the reason why nato is responding. we are increasing the forces.
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we are increasingly presence in eastern part alliance. question you know we have a former deputy assistant secretary for the us army. also chairman of american dissent international. thank you for being here. if russia's goal was to spread misinformation and so distressed in american democracy, with this also be an effort to undermine america's power on the geopolitical stage? >> no question. i think if you go back and look at this from a historical standpoint. when the soviet union disintegrated, the last really big superpower remaining was america. and vladimir putin is trying to do is basically reconstitute that old soviet union. we are standing in the way. and a piece was written before going to crimea saying that he was laying the groundwork for reconstitute the soviet union. to basically weapon eyes and he
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was going to have a new strategic bomb capable of worldwide between look at what has been doing. and look what has happened now that you just reported. in nato with the german foreign minister. sending the wrong message to vladimir putin. he understands his strength. we have this in place for the cease-fire. he has not been living up to him. the german foreign minister begin to give a little layout, will ease up a little bit on sanctions if you will live up -- >> let's take a look at russia's moves in recent years. in 2014 as is in russia annexed crimea. which was ukrainian territory for the previous six decades. economic sanctions supported by president obama. then tensions between syria and israel. the president let me put a continuing trade with north korea to help them
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economically. he is competing with china for influence over pyongyang. perhaps helping to build a natural gas pipeline to north korea. the question is, if vladimir putin is overlooking the world as a chessboard, what is the endgame? >> it is an international chess game. and he wants the old soviet union. talk about north korea. he won a contract in october to provide internet coverage to north korea. to give them more bandwidth and to give them a greater capability for cyber operations. go back to 1935. there was a soviet dictator named stalin. someone asked him what with the pope think about this? his response was, how many military -- >> i'm sorry want to get this here. is there a military maneuver or positioning that can be done to stop russia?
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>> three things. military cumberland to rebuild the military and the country. i think the president is doing a very secretary james bennett get secured energy is a national security issue. he planted a flag on the seabed of the arctic in 2007 to claim the arctic. all of the oil and natural gas there. we were not even selling that again there were allies with the president -- make as much of it can support the allies. we talk about cyber attacks. whoever wins this work, and i say whoever wins this race will win the cyber war. and those are the three things the teacher? i think that we as americans need to think about it. >> thank you van hipp. >> a attack on israeli soldiers has happened along heavily armed border. who was behind it and how the jewish state is responding, we will have that about tr. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily,
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really military launching abstracts against targets in -- we have the developments from jerusalem. >> as of recently, it has been fairly quiet in and around gaza but have we seen this week and it remains really a bottle situation there. according to israeli officials,
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a palestinian had a small devastation of the border fest professing the blockade. they tried to go inside to take on a palestinian flag that was left there. inside the flag was an explosive device get the bomb going off injuring four israeli soldiers in response, israeli tanks fired on gaza and israeli airstrikes as well. they launch at least two postings have been done. there have been three different wars in the last decade. in and around gaza. the last was in 2014 and the un has been wanting for some time now that it is extremely dangerous situation there because of the growing humanitarian crisis. >> booby-trapped flag. thank you. >> we will switch gears and ask you this. you have heard about the memory of an elephant, right? but what about the harmonica playing skills? you'll have to wait for that one.
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unique talent. [video] this is an elephant showing off a unique talent. playing a harmonica. she knows how to play in tune. this is not the only talent. apparently she can also peel a banana before eating it. something to lighten up things.
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fabulous! >> get her in the jazz fest. >> fox news report in one hour. >> greg got felled is next. is . greg: let's get to it. is . a them fiend killed 17 in flori. i will not mention his name. he will not see his picture. instead let's focus on helpful action. here's some things i suggested you to reduce these events. number one we need to hard and soft targets for security in training. this should be a trillion dollar industry. one that helps protect against not just massive shooters but terrorists as well.


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